Delirium, Sedation and Analgesia in the ICU: A Multinational Survey by Alawi Luetz

Data from our recently published survey indicate that awareness concerning a systematic management of delirium, sedation and analgesia in ICU patients is increasing. Fourty-four percent of ICUs that participated in our survey reported to routinely monitor for delirium with a validated score. Thirty-five percent had implemented validated scores for delirium, sedation and analgesia.

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Should we Abandon Benzodiazepines from the ICU? by Alawi Luetz

Non-pharmacological interventions for the management of symptoms like anxiety or hallucination are preferable. Furthermore, conditions like insufficient analgesia or a beginning sepsis should be excluded. However, if symptoms persist, a pharmacological treatment is necessary. Benzodiazepines may continue to play an important role in treating persistent anxiety and agitation in critically ill patients. 

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Post-ICU Syndrome by Alawi Luetz

Patienten mit schweren Erkrankungen oder Verletzungen haben heute gute Chancen, wieder zu genesen. Wer auf einer Intensivstation landet, hat im Nachgang oft mit weiteren Leiden zu kämpfen, fanden Forscher jetzt heraus. Sie fordern Ärzte auf, auf entsprechende Symptome zu achten.

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